Veratrum has traditonally been used for the symptomatic relief of violent vomiting with cramping and weakness especially where the face is pale and bluish and there is cold sweat and cold limbs.
Always read the label and follow directions for use. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy. If symptoms persist consult your health care professional promptly.
Veratrum album – White hellebore
Remedy picture as described in traditional homoeopathic texts.
Veratrum is a remedy to think of for gastrointestinal complaints, when there is violent retching, vomiting and profuse diarrhoea. These effects may come on suddenly, or progress during an acute illness. There is a sudden sinking of strength and vitality that results in rapid prostration, exhaustion or collapse. Symptoms can be accompanied with great cramping of the bowels, limbs and calves. Evacuations are copious and may be green, whether vomit, urine or stools. The person feels extreme coldness and their skin may appear tinged with blue. Veratrum is also a great fainting remedy.
Mental/Emotional symptoms
Collapse or great weariness after a fright. Restless anxiety, over critical to others. Melancholy, indifference, and aimless wandering. Delusions of impending misfortune, with fear of dying. There can be a great over-stimulation of the mind and a feeling of being disconnected from those around them. In children there is an almost adult level of understanding which leads to restlessness, and inner frustration which could manifest in behavioural issues and meaningless repetitive behaviours.
Physical symptoms
Head: Very pale or bluish skin, features seem sunken, especially the eyes. Cold sweat, especially on the forehead. Expression may be one of anguish or fear, and facial muscles may jerk or twitch. Headaches with icy coldness on the top of the head, tip of nose and face. Vertigo accompanied with vomiting and cold sweat. Excessive dryness of all mucous membranes.
Stomach and Abdomen: Gastric symptoms with simultaneous vomiting and diarrhoea, aggravated by drinking and movement. Cramping pains of stomach and abdomen with distension. Cold feeling in the abdomen. Craves sour fruit, lemon, salt and ice. Intense thirst for cold drinks which are immediately vomited up. Diarrhoea worse during menses or during chills.
Skin: Blueness of face and limbs. Skin blue or purplish, cold to touch and wrinkled, remaining puckered after being pinched. Cold perspiration on forehead and copious sweating.
Female: Severe menstrual cramps with vomiting, purging, sweating, cold sweat and fainting from the least exertion.
Rectum: Large stools that cause much straining, followed by copious and violent diarrhoea. Green and gushing stools, accompanied by cramps that begin in the hands and feet and spreading over the body. Diarrhoea followed by exhaustion.
Extremities: Intense coldness of the whole body, especially the face, hands and legs. Spasms and cramping in the calves and extremities, with diarrhoea. Muscles feel weak or paralysed.
Food: Intense thirst for cold drinks, desiring large quantities of cold drinks or ice to suck. Great hunger with desire for cold foods and aversion to hot food. Intolerant to fruit.
Temperature: Extreme coldness and thirst. General coldness of the face, mouth, tongue, limbs. Cold sweat beginning with a feeling of great coldness and red, hot hands and feet, with prolonged sleep. There may be delirium, sometimes with great intensity and fury. Craving for ice cold water is prominent, whether the person feels hot or cold. There is a sense of internal burning.
Pain: Neuralgic pain that can drive them frantic.
- Cutting, cramping, colicky pains
- Excessive purging – vomiting, diarrhoea, sweating
- Cramps in legs
- Severe menstrual cramps with sweat and fainting or collapse
- Very cold body with bluish face and cold sweat
- Vertigo and cold sweat on the head
- Collapse with profuse cold sweating
Exciting causes: Exertion; menses; fluid loss; fright, emotional trauma, shock.
Better: Warmth; hot food; cold drinks; walking about.
Worse: Exertion; drinking; cold drinks; fruit; menses; passing stool; damp cold; fright; night.
Desires: Ice water or ice to suck; acid fruit; salty things; sour; cucumbers.
Aversions: Hot food; cooked food; breakfast.
© Owen Homoeopathics